I learned something new today. Apparently my pups enjoy crunching on Mississippi Mud Bugs. I tried them for the first time the other day and thought my chickens would like to pick the carcasses clean. The pups rushed to the piles and dove in! Lol

I learned something new today. Apparently my pups enjoy crunching on Mississippi Mud Bugs. I tried them for the first time the other day and thought my chickens would like to pick the carcasses clean. The pups rushed to the piles and dove in! Lol
First harvest of super sweet, sun-ripened organic strawbeerries! mmmm!
Some garden update pics….
I really had to get up close so you could see those teeny tiny carrots coming up FINALLY!
Onions 8” tall
Turnips 4” tall
Kale, mustard and turnip greens all 2-3” tall.
Baby cabbages, broccoli and turnip greens just coming up out of the ground.
My lovely beets already 2” tall
More teeny baby beets just coming up.
And my turnips from last year are done flowering, now making seeds.
My first planting of potatoes should be coming up anyday now….
Making homemade potting soil today.
I just love playing in animal poo! Lol! In the pot it goes so I can cook it up!
We have some lovely WEEDS coming in already. Aren’t they just a joy? Haha!
Pictured below you will see
Check out my cabbages going to seed for me! Such little cuties!
Today I’ve planted garlic cloves, garlic scapes, turnip greens, beets, lettuce, kale, and mustard greens. Now on to the last bed with red onions. I have 2,500 linear feet or roughly 1/4 acre, of garden planted already. Soon I’ll be starting on potatoes — reds and whites!
Would you believe this gorgeous plant is just the lowly turnip going to seed? Isn’t it amazing how beautiful vegetables can be?! I have a whole row of these lovelies that will give me fresh new turnip seeds for Fall harvest.
The male pup has been sold. Only the 1 female pup from this litter is still available.
2 brother and sister litter mates, rolling around in spring grass having a good ole time.
She says: PET MY BELLY!
so of course I must pet her belly. Lol
So of course I have to rub that little adorable chin. Lol
These 2 crack me up.
See comments under each pic for more details.
Look at my beautiful wheat, y’all!