Turning grapes into raisins, butternut squash growing nicely along with other fall crops and our corn harvest has just begun.
I have peaches, plums, maters, green peanuts, yellow squash, and much more in stock!! come see me 10-3 Thu/Fri/Sat
Turning grapes into raisins, butternut squash growing nicely along with other fall crops and our corn harvest has just begun.
I have peaches, plums, maters, green peanuts, yellow squash, and much more in stock!! come see me 10-3 Thu/Fri/Sat
We have scheduled a butcher date for 9/12/22. If you have a beef order pending, you can expect to pick up your meat approximately 10-14 days after that date. Please have your remainder due and freezer space ready for the tastiest beef!
Cabbages, Green Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, sweet taters, yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, pears, apples, turnips, cucumbers, hot peppers, sweet corn, purple hull peas, brown crowder peas, carrots, goat milk, blackberries, animal feed, lye soap, garden seeds, cold drinks, pepper jelly, zucchini relish, cowboy candy, peach preserves, apple marinade, cantelope preserves and more!
Taking orders for farm raised beef to fill your freezer. Check out the beef page for more details. Butter beans are recovering from the terrible triple digit heat wave over the summer. We have been able to hand pick a pitiful amount here and there, just enough for dinner tonight. They are NOT ready yet but ill keep yall updated.
Open 10-3 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Come see me!
Recently, a friend was telling me about their recent yard sale and how they didn’t know what to do with all the left overs that didn’t sell. That reminded me of this story from when I was 10 years old…..
I used to know this lady who had a garage that she set up with all her excess stuff to hold garage sales out of. I would ride my bicycle down the road to sit and chat with her every chance I got. We got to talking and she told me all her secrets! she showed me how to measure if a shirt could fit me by holding ut up to my shoulder points, how to shorten a hem on a dress that was too long, how to properly cut roses for fresh flowers that last longer, and so much more but there was one secret that stood out from all the rest.
She did this garage sale every Friday/sat/and sometimes Sunday morning from 7am until noon. She worked in her garden, cooked up meals for her entire family for the upcoming week, did some sewing, canning, fed her animals, mowed her lawn, cleaned her house, etc etc when there weren’t any customers. She stayed busy and productive regardless. She had a little bell that rang when someone pulled up to let her know, then she’d come out to visit.
She did this every weekend, all year long even when it got chilly cuz she closed the garage up and turned a small heater on. She said after the first year, people came to expect her little items would always be available and soon they’d donate their excess stuff. Before she knew it, it had become a business so the city told her she had to get a license. It cost her $20 back in the day (now it’s only $50) and she had to collect/pay in sales tax which was no big deal.
Through the years she was able to help a lot of young families whom were struggling to pay bills with free clothing, shoes, boots and winter coats. (Being in Michigan meant weather in winter could be brutal) she had her weekend garage sales every month, every year for 30 years.
She told me her little garage sale business made her a side income the same as if she went to work a job somewhere else but it also allowed her to be home getting other tasks completed at the same time. Nevermind that she got so familiar with the community it opened up so many beneficial opportunities that her household and so many others were able to benefit from, she lost count!
When she was tired or the weather was grim, she’d make hot tea, cookies and cocoa, curl up with a good book and just read or chit chat with folks that stopped in- like me. She always offered me cookies and milk or hot cocoa in winter. I hung on every single word she said, every single visit I made. I never forgot the lessons I learned from her.
She said the value of each thing is up to the beholder. Never assume something no longer has a value just because it might be in your way or you can’t see it. Open your life up to let others teach you, while they bless you at the same time.
To me- it’s folks like this whom are THE TREASURE I see the value in.
Get them fresh today and tomorrow Theyll be frozen for freshness after that!
yellow squash, tomatoes, zucchini, sweet taters, onions, potatoes, turnips, cabbage, apples, pears, green peanuts, almonds, walnuts, okra, crowder peas, purple hull peas, cut off corn, frozen milk, fresh eggs, animal feed, freezer beef, chicken, lye soap, gowt milk soap, cold drinks, snacks, etc
Come see me thursday/Friday/saturday 10-3
We are almost done shelling all the brown crowders we harvested this past week. Theyll be in the freezer waiting for you when you get to craving some.
I have GREEN PEANUTS, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, yellow squash, sweet corn, cabbage, okra, pears, apples, zucchini, walnuts, almonds, frozen purple hull peas, cut okra, goat milk, cut off corn, blackberries, eggs and more!
PURPLE HULL PEAS WILL BE HARVESTED NEXT!!!! Call or text me your order $36 bushel GET ON THE LIST ASAP
Will be open Friday and Saturday 10-3
Even the little ones get involved! Brown crowder peas are here. Get them while you can and fill up your freezer for the next year this will be the last harvest of this variety of southern summer peas
We are sorting, bagging 1/2 bushels and shelling pounds of brown crowder peas today. We have the 1/2 bushels ready for $22 each, sorted of dried hulls, immature peas, sticks, weeds and stems. You’re getting a GOOD bag worth of high quality brown crowder peas. Shelled and bagged into 1# increments for $6 a pound or 5 pounds shelled for $25. Fresh from the field yesterday!
Purple hull peas, zipper cream peas, yellow squash, sweet corn, turnips, sweet potatoes, onions, white potatoes, zucchini, slicing tomatoes, peaches, cabbages, okra, apples, pears, walnuts, almonds, dry peanuts, cold drinks, frozen peas, cut off corn, okra, goat milk, lye soap, eggs, t-shirts, animal feed, cowboy candy, tomato sauce, pepper jelly, apple butter, jar candy, dried pepper, dried cilantro, tea balls, garden seeds, wheat berries, NON-GMO corn for grinding cornmeal, hay rolls, straw, beef, chicken, pork, goat meat, and more!!! Come see me 10-3 today
Wanted to update as many as I can that might have been waiting for a post from me on Facebook. My account has been acting up and I haven’t been able to get back in at all. It’s quite unfortunate but we can still use my own website here, phone calls and texts.
Comments on my blog posts for here have been turned on so you’ll still be able to connect with me while being online if you’d like.
We have green peanuts coming in, pears, peaches, apples, grapes, tomatoes, squash, sweet corn, purple hull peas being shelled now as well as zipper cream peas. Almonds, walnuts, eggs, frozen goat milk, beef for your freezer, non-gmo corn and wheat for grinding flour or cornmeal. Animal feed, Cold drinks, snacks, goat milk soap, lye soap, garden seeds, zucchini, cowboy candy, pepper jelly, tomato sauce, cantaloupe syrup, peach preserves, apple butter, and more more more…..
Open 10-3 Thursday Friday and Saturday
Come see me!
Eggplant coming on
We are about ready to start harvesting our years worth of wheat. If y’all need any to grind fresh flour, get your storage containers ready and message me! You’ll have only a couple days to grab what you need until we harvest again this time next year. Let me know ASAP.
As many of you know, we raise all natural custom beef for your freezer. The cattle are kept on lush wide open pastures their whole lives and can be fed a careful mixture of our own NON-GMO grains or kept strictly grass fed only. It’s up to you how you want your meat raised.
Please give us a call if we can help you understand how the cow standing in our pasture can become a freezer full of meat for your family.