If you’ve been wondering what’s going on up at our store lately… Well… since there isn’t much produce available right now we are using this time to get more work done on the store. Here’s a pic of the flooring going down behind the cash register and into my office today. Lots of trim work is going on. The windows for my office have been installed and trimmed out. We now have 3 working commercial coolers up at the store! Very excited to start filling them up with our own Tate county grown/raised products!! Soon we will begin building shelving units to house our canned goods and dry goods. We hope to keep a full stock of jams, jellies, preserves, pickles, soups, sauces, relishes, fresh ground flour, cornmeal, sea salt, dried/fresh herbs, spices, real lye and goat milk soap, natural beauty products, health powders, and other home grown, all natural lovely items! Oh and here’s a darling little puppy rubbin pic for you to smile at. We are still open Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday 10-3. Fridays 10-6 during construction. Please excuse our mess! We have frozen peas/beans/sweet corn/ spaghetti squash, dumplin squash, peach preserves, cowboy candy, pepper jelly, goat milk soap. Still taking orders for beef, eggs, milk, bread, muffins, cookies….. etc etc We are busy working on canning up new creations for yall to try this year too! COME SEE US! We haven’t forgotten y’all, and plan to work extra hard for Tate county this year