I’m at the market, y’all! I only have 350 ears of Sweet G90 corn today. It will sell out fast so please hurry. Other vendors have tomatoes, peaches, onions, cucumbers, peppers, watermelon & eggplant.
I’m at the market, y’all! I only have 350 ears of Sweet G90 corn today. It will sell out fast so please hurry. Other vendors have tomatoes, peaches, onions, cucumbers, peppers, watermelon & eggplant.
All this rain and heat has set the sweet corn to making FAST!
I will be at the Senatobia Farmers market tomorrow morning with the very first sweet corn ears fresh out of the field!
It is sure to sell out fast so come early.
This variety is the SWEET G90
It is a bi-color, very juicy and super sweet tasting corn variety.
Pricing is as follows:
2 ears for $1
1 dozen ears for $5.50
50 ears for $22.00
100 ears for $40.00
NO DISCOUNTS UNLESS YOU PRE-ORDER 500 ears or more at one time! This corn seed costs $400 for just 5 pounds. It’s very expensive seed.
First harvest of Sweet Corn is right around the corner, y’all! Is anyone more excited than I am?! Field corn will be ready right after the sweet corn starts coming in. Yellow squash is starting to make tender little babies and the silver crowder peas are growing growing growing! Woohoo! Let’s have three cheers for fresh produce!
Yellow squash producing flowers and silver crowder peas starting to grow good plants. We are HAND planting, HAND weeding, HAND fertilizing and HAND mulching all these plants. We work 7 days per week to grow produce and take care of the animals. We sure hope you will support our hard and long labor when the produce comes in! Thank you so much Tate County 🙂
Sweet G90 starting to tassel…
My last nanny to deliver this year. One healthy little girl and one healthy big boy. Born yesterday and that concludeds our kidding for 2019. Now let me introduce you to my 5 new Alpine and Toggenburg doelings!