Thank You Lord!

Thank you Lord for allowing my shipment of bakers yeast to make it to my house in the middle of this transporting nightmare. With our ability to grind flour fresh, we can keep on baking breads, pies, cobblers, cookies and muffins for all my friends and family!
I’m taking this covid virus issue very seriously. I’ve ordered my supplies to be delivered instead of going out shopping for them. Hand washing for 3 solid minutes, all day long. No visitors inside our home, and we stay back from folks who pick up. We work on our farm and in my kitchen every day, limiting all off-property trips. We ARE NOT showing signs of any sickness. My kitchen is bleached and sanitized multiple times each day. We sanitize all door handles, light switches, cupboard handles, etc every day. Etc etc
Asking customers to please pay via credit card/debit card through invoicing instead of handling cash or passing cards back and forth, etc. etc.
I keep my hair pinned back with a covering over it, I wear bleachable solid front aprons, I use a dishwasher with the sanitize function, etc etc etc. I follow all standard cottage food laws as well as using the new recommendations issued by the CDC for current covid concerns.
I want you to know that our health and yours, is in the forefront of my mind, every day. I pray for you all, every time I speak with you. ❤️ We will get through this 🙏

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