It’s greenhouse time! We are even planting some crops outside already. This isn’t my greenhouse, but I hope to have a seedling house like this real soon. Very excited about the upcoming projects we have planned. My next high tunnel is going up this week. Blueberries and strawberries are being planted this week. Cherry trees are on their way… these plantings will help expand the fruit orchard that I’ve already got going. Cant wait to make fresh blueberry muffins and strawberry ice cream later this year. Mmmm
We have cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard, turnip, beets, radish, carrot, and more already planted outdoors. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, cukes, melons, okra and more getting going in the greenhouse, Such an exciting time!
We have done an enormous amount of work inside the store. It’s looking so cute, you should stop by and see for yourself. We have fresh produce now, eggs, frozen beans and peas, milk and ask about our freezer beef too.