Beef update: For those customers who just put a deposit down for the next butcher date, we just took the beef off to the butcher today. The butcher will age the meat for a couple weeks and shortly after that will start preparing the various cuts. I will update y’all again as we get closer to pick up day so you can be prepared. We still have a few shares for additional customers to buy in on this beef. Thank you for your patronage and trust, we appreciate you.
Month: August 2021
Not Feeling Well
Not feeling well today. I’m going to stay home, see y’all next week. Thank you for understanding
Taking Beef Orders
We are taking orders for part of a beef, raised right here on our farm. Check with us for pricing and availability. Our beef is raised on wide open pastures right here in Tate county. We grow NON-GMO corn, wheat and sunflowers to make our own feed. No soy is ever used! No hormones, no steroids, no junk. Beef is fed out our own farm raised grains the last 2 months to put that lovely marbling on the meat. It’s delicious!! $20% deposit holds your part. Let us fill your feeezer
Fixing The Front Glass Again
Having to fix the front glass AGAIN! Blahh so annoying but we should be able to safely open on Friday 10-6 as usual. We still have squash, zucchini, scallopini squash, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, purple hull peas, crowder peas, butter beans, black berries, plums, onions, potatoes, watermelon, cayenne peppers, green beans, corn on the cob, jams, jellies, cowboy candy, soap, garden seeds, snack chips and dips, cold drinks, eggs, beef, eggplant, tomato sauce, and more available for sale.

Welcoming The Rain
How did y’all like that rain we got yesterday? I know my crops really needed it! We want to welcome Richards youngest son home from the National Guard today. We are so proud of him. The store will be closed today. Have a lovely weekend y’all!
Farm-Raised Ribeye
Cooked up one of our farm raised ribeye steaks tonight. I like mine medium rare with a nice seer and sea salt. Mmmmmm

Cantaloupe $2 this week!!Eggplant $1 Cayenne peppers $2 a handfulWatermelon $6Purple hull peas $6And so much more!!Open today and tomorrow 10-3