CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! 1/2 dozen, fresh baked using fresh ground flour, REAL butter, our own free range eggs, black strap molasses, REAL vanilla extract and Celtic sea salt! Only $3 We have tomatoes for a limited time, Cabbages, red plums, red taters, yellow onions, yellow squash, eggplant, cayenne peppers, sweet peppers, watermelon, cherry maters, beets, turnips, cukes, peach preserves, cowboy candy, pepper jelly, purple hull peas. Crowder peas, sweet corn, blackberries, dry peanuts, chips, cold drinks in store. I’m baking cookies again and making goat milk soap, plus eggs, chickens, beef, right off the farm. Open tues/we’d/sat 10-3 plus as late as 6pm on Fridays.