I’ll be at the store today from 10am until 3pm, or until I sell out!
16931 Hwy 4 East, Senatobia! Come see me!

I’ll be at the store today from 10am until 3pm, or until I sell out!
16931 Hwy 4 East, Senatobia! Come see me!
I’m planning to be open for business this Saturday from 10am-3pm or until I sell out. I will have tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, peppers, eggplant, eggs, goat milk, banana bread, cookies and more!
Baking muffins and cobblers, today! Yum yum! And PS the smells are free!
I have four loaves left of white sandwich bread that I baked at 5am this morning. Available for pickup in Senatobia As soon as possible — before I run out! $6/loaf. This bread is made using wheat that we grew on this land and we ground it up using a hand crank grinder yesterday. Talk about fresh!
Still baking fresh bread for my amazing friends and customers. Thank y’all so much!
For those of you that love and appreciate that gorgeous proof bowl of sourdough starter…look at my lovely girl here!
I’m making sourdough bread tonight and regular bread tomorrow. Mmm!
Baking banana bread today! The house smells so delicious!
Hey everybody! I will be at the new Dollar Genearl on HWY 4 today. This location is only 1.5 miles from the Senatobia Farmer’s Market. Just head East on 4! You can’t miss the new Dollar Genearl. We are mowing the grass right now so we can set up the tent. I’ll post again with pictures once I’m set up!
Checking on our last sweet corn field to harvest in July. It’s not ready yet but with this humid hot weather it could happen real quick. I’ll be checking on it again Saturday.
No market today due to rain, but I am taking orders from the house. Come on out and grab some delicious goods!
We’ll be at the Senatobia Farmer’s Market today! Come see us!
We want to make sure y’all know we are still setting up a table at the Senatobia Farmer’s Market on any Saturday that it’s not brutally cold or raining.
We have a table up between 10am and 2pm. Come see us!
We have a table at the Senatobia Farmer’s market today until 3pm. Fresh carrots just pulled from the ground, soybeans, peas, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, jams and preserves, bread and cookies. Come see us!
I’m at the Senatobia Farmer’s Market until 1pm today. 501 Norfleet Dr. Senatobia MS. I’ll also be here tomorrow until 3pm. Come see me for fresh grown produce and baked goods, from our Tate county family farm!
I’m at the Senatobia Farmer’s Market until noon today.