Attention Local Gardeners!!! Call For Produce Etc.

Who is growing their own garden this year in Tate county? If you plan to grow your own veggies, have some fruit trees, herbs, berries, etc, or like to do some canning at home and might have some extra produce this year, let me know.

If you grew it right here locally and you’ve got too much for your friends and family, I’d be happy to buy it from you and let the community get it from my store. I do my best to grow all that we can for the needs of our family, our workers and their families, our friends and neighbors plus as much as I can for our customers. Unfortunately, I can’t grow EVERYTHING, it’s just not humanly possible. Lol 😆 I do buy some fruits like lemons, bananas, oranges, and such from growers out of our area cuz we can’t really grow that stuff here anyway but our families still like to enjoy them. So if you or someone you know here locally ends up with too many squash or maters, or peppers or something else not listed here, we’d appreciate it! Or maybe they even want to help me get some canning done, just have them message me.

We gotta network together to keep our families’ needs met these days yall. If you know a family in need please have them contact me, we will be glad to offer them free food as we are able to fill their bellies. Let’s come together as a real, loving community y’all. Let me know where we can help ❤️