We’re making cheese and butter with our excess milk, y’all! I can’t wait to try it all out!

We’re making cheese and butter with our excess milk, y’all! I can’t wait to try it all out!
We have a new doeling born today! Her name is Bambi. She’s darling! Pictures to come really soon! Spring is here, folks!
Just thought I’d put out a request in our little community to help recycle 1 gallon glass jars.
If you have any 1 gallon glass pickle jars WITH lids that fit the jar, you’re gonna throw away I’d take them off your hands.
I need exactly 1 gallon so I can sell a gallon of milk to customers. They want to charge me $15 per jar and lid PLUS $8 each for shipping.
Surely we can come together and stop this needless waste. I do not want to pass these costs onto our local friends and families in our community. I Would appreciate any help y’all can send my way! Thanks so much Temi