
Small Acts Of Kindness

I want to share a thought that’s often on my mind with you good folks this morning. Have you ever had someone, even a total stranger, do something nice for you completely unexpected? How did that make you feel? I’ll bet you never forgot it.

I often think about the various people that have touched my life. Even when their act or words seemed like it’s the tiniest thing, I never forgot it. It makes me wonder if there is something I could do to touch the lives of others, even complete strangers….

I have lived in several US state and moved around within each one several times. Once again, I find myself a newbie in this Tate county MS area. I developed a little habit that started back in 1990. I was just a teenager then, so much yet to learn! I do this little habit each time I move to a new neighborhood…

I seek out the local civil and public servants that the neighborhood depends on to help and protect them. The local police, fire fighters, EMT’s, ER staff, animal control, etc etc. I try to MAKE THE TIME to visit with them and bring them something that I fresh baked.

They might be strangers to me right now, but I’m sure they’ll appreciate knowing they matter to folks they don’t know yet. And isn’t a stranger just someone we haven’t met yet?

They work tirelessly for us so much. They are there for us when we need them. They don’t always feel appreciated for what they do and give. Shouldn’t we think of them sometimes other then just when we need them? How about showing them some small act of kindness….

I would like to encourage you not to stop there. Think of anyone in your community, even if it’s a complete stranger to you, and show them some random act of kindness. Don’t forget the compliments too. All day it seems the world is bombarding us with demands and complaints. Let’s not forget to thank folks and show them genuine appreciation.

I’d love to hear your story and thoughts on this subject. I hope to somehow be of encouragement to you today! God bless…

Tasty Muffins & More!

Just arrived at the market but I won’t be here for long. Come get you some purple hull peas, banana bread, blueberry walnut muffins, peppers and honeydew.

I have regular and REDUCED SUGAR muffins. * reduced from 1 cup down to 1/3 cup sugar per recipe. Big plump blueberries inside give it just enough sweetness for those watching their sugar intake. $1.00 each or 4/$3.00

At The Farmer’s Market Today

I’m at the market today.
I have:
Purple hull peas
Red and green tomatoes
Yellow squash
Wax peppers
Green bell peppers
HOT Jalapeño peppers
Shelled purple hull peas
Banana bread
Oatmeal cookies

And I did bring my dinner up here with me. Home raised, grass fed beef burgers but I’m not sharing that with anyone. <giggling>
Come see me anyway!

Such A Lovely Friday!

Ladies and Gents of Tate county, MS and surrounding areas…. thank you for a lovely Friday. I SOOO enjoyed chatting with y’all. Glad to see some familiar faces and make new friends as well.

I sold out of everything except a handful of onions and a small basket of yellow squash. So when I have to take home these left over bits of produce… here’s what I do with them:

Good Morning!

I’m at the market today but won’t be here for long. Come see me ASAP!!

I have-
The first picking of purple hull peas. $4 a basket, $15 a half bushel or $25 full bushel- in the shell. They won’t last long today!

Baby Yellow squash $2 a pound
Baking yellow squash $1 a pound
Zucchini squash $1 a pound
Onions $2 a pound
Honeydew $3 each
Chocolate chip cookies (baked this morning at 5am) 4/ $1

Come chat with me!

Produce Picture Day!

It’s picture day!

Thank you for all for a fantastic Saturday at the Farmer’s Market. It was so nice to see y’all and I’m happy to make my new friends. Thought I’d share a few pics from the homestead:

My front field of oil sunflowers, so pretty! These will be pressed for salad dressing oil. Mmm!

My gorgeous red amaranth going to seed and putting on a spectacular display! These will be for sprouting crimson red micro-greens.

This is my second planting of purple hull peas. The first planting is almost ready to harvest.

A close-up of those babies!

Nothing goes to waste on my homestead. My horse and goats are quite spoiled from all the corn shucks this morning!

Getting my new signage ready to be installed in front of my homestead. Look for these along the roadsides soon, too. I’ll be making up more and putting them out as the year progresses!