At The Farmer’s Market Today

I’m at the market today.
I have field corn picked fresh this morning.
Red and green tomatoes
Sweet peppers
Baby yellow squash
Green beans
Yellow and red onions

Come chat with me!

 Sold out of honeydew, bell peppers and jalapeño peppers for today. I’ll have more tomorrow as well as a few cabbages.

Green beans almost sold out.

Still have onions, baby squash, baking squash, tomatoes and just a little bit of field corn yet…

Senatobia Farmer’s Market!

Come see us this Saturday at the Senatobia, MS Farmers market. We will have 100% organic green beans, yellow squash, zucchini, green tomatoes, spring onions and cabbage. Soon I’ll have peppers and red tomatoes.
Later this year expect sweet corn and purple hull peas. As always, my produce is all NON-GMO. Keep that cancer at bay, eat whole, eat living and eat pure!

Located on HWY 4, running beside Interstate 55. Follow the signs for the Hospital and McDonalds. You can see us from HWY 55

Jule standing ready to greet customers at the Farmer’s Market in Senatobia MS

Produce Fore Sale In Senatobia!

Selling green beans, green onions, baby yellow squash, zucchini, red and green cabbages today. All fresh picked this morning. As always, 100% organic and NON-GMO!

Located at the Senatobia Farmer’s Market across from the park. Turn at the light like you’re going to McDonald’s. We will be here next week too, watch for my FB updates!

Kefir Cheese

I made some extra soft, creamy kefir cheese for sale tomorrow! Mild flavor so delicious. It won’t last long. Bring a glass jar to transport it as it is made with LIVE kefir beneficial bacteria and heated to only 98 degrees. So most of the bacteria is still living in there and will contribute to your health!

I enjoy mine spread on toast or homemade crackers with fresh chopped herbs or garlic. I love it in ravioli’s and lasagna or just a bit of it with some sliced peaches. Mmmmm what are some of the ways you enjoy your spreadable kefir cheese?
It is .75 per ounce