Here’s the gang going for a walk together checking fences

Here’s the gang going for a walk together checking fences
We had new pups born on January 25th. Today they are 1 week old! I’ll get pictures asap!
Playing with my babies!
Great news on the homestead! Both my little baby pups have been delivered to their new homes. Their new families are going to do very well with them. I feel quite confident in their abilities to help these pups develop into the perfect lifetime companions, guard dogs & sweethearts!
New litter born 11/8/18
Boys and girls available. Ready to go to their new home 1/8/18.
$50 deposit will hold- PayPal friends and family rate. $250- unpapered.
❤️SOLD❤️11 month old PROVEN, AKC registerable female available to work on your homestead or ranch. She is already working in a team and shows perfect temperament for newborn kids/lambs. $700 with papers
7 month old HIGHLY human service driven male available for your household, nursing home or service dog needs. He lives to please his human, bonding with children and handicapped very well. He would also make a fine livestock guard dog, as he is quite alert with a fierce bark. $500 unpapered.
Parents on site. Breeding/loving Great Pyrenees since 2006!
Adults are guarding: goats (they do very well with newborn kids. We have births every year. The younger pups learn how to behave by watching the adults), horse, chickens (we hatch out baby chicks all year round), ducks and cats (newborn kittens all the time. No issues with the pups).
I work continuously with all my adults and pups on obedience training and regular worming schedules are kept. All vaccinations are up to the new family to work out with their own veterinarian.
Located 30 mins south of Memphis, in Coldwater MS.
The male pup has been sold. Only the 1 female pup from this litter is still available.
2 brother and sister litter mates, rolling around in spring grass having a good ole time.
She says: PET MY BELLY!
so of course I must pet her belly. Lol
So of course I have to rub that little adorable chin. Lol
These 2 crack me up.
See comments under each pic for more details.
New pics of pups taken today. 2 of them sitting next to momma. Single dog pic is daddy taking it easy.
Pups have been sexed and worming schedule started. I only have 3 left available. There are 2 boys and 1 female available. $500 each at 8 weeks old. 1/11/18 for earliest pick up, at which time you will need to begin puppy shots with your own vet. Msg for details and reservation info.
She let me see them from a distance. I counted at least 4, possibly 5. Most likely she has closer to 7 as usual.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOLKS!! The earliest pick up date for this litter is January 11th 2018.
I will begin Taking deposits after I’ve been able to sex them. I won’t disturb momma and babies until they are 2 weeks old. 11/25/17 is the earliest date to determine sexes and I will begin worming them on the same day.
GREAT PYRENEES LIVESTOCK GUARD DOG PUPS!!! Taking deposits and trade considerations for litter due….. Momma came out of heat 3 days ago. Mark your calendars for the expected date for new pups to be born!
These pups when at the appropriate age, will protect your livestock from predation including coyotes, fox, other dogs, cats, snakes, raccoon, etc etc. They discourage thieves and trespassers on your property. Guard children and provide years of companionship for the sick, handicapped and elderly.
They require a 6′ fence and THEY REQUIRE A JOB TO DO EVERYDAY. They do not make good pets to sit in the house all day and go for jogs at the park with you. Apartment and suburban dwellers please find a different breed, PYRES WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU.
New owner consultation provided free before purchase of pup. New owner training also available.
Pups will be sold for $500 cash, each at 8 weeks old. Each month I keep them longer, the price goes up as does their level of training and ability. $100 deposit holds your pup. I do worm meticulously but any and all shots for the pup will need to be handled by you and your vet.
All of us at Oasis Homestead are eagerly awaiting their arrival…..
Located in Senatobia/Coldwater MS area. I will travel up to 2 hours one way for appropriate trade deal.
Tour previous posts on my page for pictures, videos, stories and customer reviews.
Trade considerations:
I accept some dairy nanny goat trades (must be dehorned, not more the 25% meat breed mixed in, already bred and/or currently giving milk), beef calves, a Jersey heifer (must be dehorned, tame to hand milking, gentle, obedient and 4 fully usable quarters with health papers) and also would consider bird trades:
I will accept laying age hens of any breed but I only value them at $10 each unless they are pure bred buff orpingtons – which would be $15 each. I will accept Muscovy ducks, guinea fowl (must be at least 1 mated pair) or Toulouse geese (must be at least 1 mated pair).
Not ready to take sheep or pigs yet.
If the trade animal won’t fit in the back of my pick up truck bed, you will need to deliver.
This past weekend I had a brief but lovely time visiting some of the pups that started their life at Oasis Homestead. Their new forever family and homestead is amazing. Their humans are so loving, yet ever respectful of the breeds natural skeptical and autonomous tendencies. I really applaud how these folks have taken special interest in making decisions for their livestock guard dogs that will benefit themselves and their homesteading goals, as well as the LGD’s.
The pups are still technically pups, but I could tell they’ve become so comfortable in this new surrounding, that their confidence is obvious. According to the owners, the pups have done a great job protecting their herd of goats and have stayed within the fence boundaries well. The animals looked to get along beautifully.
It makes me so happy, deep down inside, to see them flourishing and providing such an important service to the world they live in. I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE these dogs.
Thank you so much Christie for allowing me to visit with them and welcoming me into your world.
A barrel of wet puppies! I added fresh water and they all jumped in to cool off. Such lil cuties!
When does training begin for our LGD’s at Oasis Homestead?
Why it starts the moment momma and I have a little “conversation” about moving her pups to the training pens at 10 weeks of age. It is very important to me that momma dog and I keep a trustworthy relationship. I would never move her pups without her involvement and consent.
I begin with a bi-weekly visit to her den after their 3rd day in this world, sitting on the ground just a few feet from the curious pups. I always call momma to come with me for our visits. I never sneak up to her den without her permission first. This helps to build security and trust between all parties.
Gradually momma nudges her pups towards me in a way they understand says: “go see her, it’s safe.” Mostly it’s a lot of sniffing and curiosity but very little hands on contact after the pups eyes are open. The less I handle them, the more naturally leery they will be of strangers. This makes better guard dogs for your livestock, your family and your property.
Of course over time, the pups learn to trust those they are regularly in contact with. The members of your family should be feeding and attending to them often, to ensure a close bonding. Eventually, these pups will be bounding towards me every single feeding, anxiously awaiting their vittles!
At 10 weeks of age the first thing I want to establish with these babies is a mutual trust and respect. Something I count on their mother to help secure. The second thing I want to start instilling in them is a respect for fencing, pens and gates.
To accomplish the second part, it is necessary to move the pups from an open setting to a confined one. Since momma can safely wean them at this age, her pups will be removed from her and she will get twice daily visits with them for the next couple months. The pups along with watchful momma are carefully and lovingly moved into a special pen inside the animal barnyard area.
This pen is restricted to use only for the pups and visits from momma twice daily, as well as myself. The pen has both an outside area of at least 10’x 16′, an outside dog house and a stall inside the barn of at least 5’x10′. They will have access to both the inside and outside sections at all times.
The entire pen is built using concreted 4×4’s, 3-5 horizontal 2×4’s on each 8′ section that is holding up 2″x4″ vertically spaced goat wire fencing. The wire fencing is connected to the horizontal 2×4’s using 2″ or longer steeples spaced every 12 inches on every board.
While in this pen the pups will learn to respect a stationary fence. They will be taught not to climb it or dig out under it. They will be taught how gates work and to move swiftly out of the way as they open.
They will begin to learn the sights and sounds of the barnyard. What animals they will be working with and be able to watch the adults through the pen fencing while they perform the daily tasks of guarding the Homestead.
I will begin interacting with the pups inside this pen. At first simply at feeding times, then they will learn the call to come eat and how to keep out from under my feet while I work to clean their pen. Later, they will learn simple grooming and health care steps and commands.
The pups will remain inside this pen until they are roughly 3-4 months old. At which time we begin introducing them to the farm animals gradually.
Oh my goodness! So much excitement on the homestead lately. 2 more of my babies have found their forever homes today. I feel very confident about their placement today. Once again, I couldn’t hold back the tears as they drove away.
The pair will be going to their new home and a very important career of guarding goats, chickens, people and who knows what else! The oldest one displayed an immediate affection for the new owner. I was surprised and very happy to see this bonding taking place from day 1.
The last female pup will be joining her brother whom is already placed with his forever family tomorrow. I’m so happy to see them stay together in pairs. I hate to think of them as being lonely.
This leaves me just 1 last male pup, born 3/9/15 available. Contact me soon if interested!