Won’t be able to open today. Woke up feeling sick guess I need more rest.
Month: April 2022
Sweet Corn & Plums!
Planted the first patch of sweet corn yesterday!! Hooray We have tomatoes coming on and all flowered out, peppers starting to bloom, zucchini and squash setting flower buds….

My plum trees are loaded with teeny fruits! So cute

We were burning the AFTER midnight oil planting in the dark with our new tractor running lights. Do y’all think they’re bright enough?

Happy Easter!
The clouds and rain have cleared come join us and find those eggs the bunny hid last night!
Sifting Through Wheat
Before we can grind fresh flour from our wheat that we grow, it must be sifted free of dirt, chaff, and debris from the field. This is what I’m doing now.
Winner, Winner, $5 Walmart Giftcard!
Staying Busy
Setting fence posts, planting corn and hauling water for spraying. Oh boy!
It’s nonstop work getting done around here this week. When it rains we switch to working on the trucks and tractors in the shop or making improvements to the store. Today we are building the bean bag toss game, cleaning bottles for the ring toss game, setting up extra tables and chairs, cleaning, organizing and just getting ready for a great time for an Easter Kids day event!
Hope y’all will come visit with us. Even if it rains, I’ll have some activities we can do indoors plus I have some canopies to put up over other things outside.
Let me know how many you’re bringing!We are still open Friday and Saturday 10-3. Sunday event is 10-2

New Mailboxes Installed!
Check out today’s project now complete! Things are looking good y’all! My lovely employees did a fabulous job so proud of them
Sittin’ On The Side Of The Road
This is one heck of a scary sight when you’re broke down on the side of the road on a Sunday, with this heat and a stock trailer full of poopy butt calves, on your knees trying to work on a tire where all but 2 lugs came off and those 2 are rounding out. GRRRRRRR Just one day in the life of a farmer. Y’all don’t laugh too much at us if we come home covered in poo. Lol!

Ideas For Adult Bunny Costume? Or Mask?
Hey y’all I need some help finding an adult Easter bunny costume or at least a mask and bunny ears. I have someone willing to wear it <wink wink> but we can’t find a costume locally to have in time. Stores are out. Anyone have something on hand we could use or any ideas?
Easter Kids Day April 17th! 10am!
Thanks so much for my wine bottle donations ladies. I just need about 20 more if anyone else can help me.

To remind y’all, we are not promoting alcoholic beverages or anything, this collection of long-necked bottles is to be able to set up a ring toss game for our Easter Day kids event.
We will also have 3 legged races, bean bag toss, treasure hunts, egg hunt, children’s Easter Day acoustic music, flower potting craft, coloring, other games, and crafts.
Most games can still be played whether it rains or not as we can move them inside. We will be serving a humble, home cooking lunch with our own farm-raised beef burgers, purple hull peas, and other stuff we raise.
This event is scheduled for 4/17/22 from 10am- 2pm. Bring your young children and your Easter baskets. All parents-
Ps… Easter-related treasures and plastic egg contents are not candy-related. Small toy parts could cause a choking hazard. Handling must be supervised by a parent or guardian. Let’s keep our precious babies safe
The games are free, though if you like, you could donate any amount that seems right. Certain other things will cost money such as the food.
Attention Local Gardeners!!! Call For Produce Etc.
Who is growing their own garden this year in Tate county? If you plan to grow your own veggies, have some fruit trees, herbs, berries, etc, or like to do some canning at home and might have some extra produce this year, let me know.
If you grew it right here locally and you’ve got too much for your friends and family, I’d be happy to buy it from you and let the community get it from my store. I do my best to grow all that we can for the needs of our family, our workers and their families, our friends and neighbors plus as much as I can for our customers. Unfortunately, I can’t grow EVERYTHING, it’s just not humanly possible. Lol I do buy some fruits like lemons, bananas, oranges, and such from growers out of our area cuz we can’t really grow that stuff here anyway but our families still like to enjoy them. So if you or someone you know here locally ends up with too many squash or maters, or peppers or something else not listed here, we’d appreciate it! Or maybe they even want to help me get some canning done, just have them message me.
We gotta network together to keep our families’ needs met these days yall. If you know a family in need please have them contact me, we will be glad to offer them free food as we are able to fill their bellies. Let’s come together as a real, loving community y’all. Let me know where we can help
Store updates today!
We are working on our road frontage signs y’all. Going for higher visibility, uniformity and creativity. We almost have the new store hours sign finished and many more to come.
We have started getting our seedlings going in the hoop house. If the field mice would stop chewing up our seeds and the baby plants out in the field, we might get somewhere! Lol sweet corn is going in the ground soon y’all. I hope you’re getting excited just like us!

Pepsi Truck’s A-Comin’
Woop woop! Finally receiving my Pepsi product order from December!! I’m not complaining but I do sure hope we all can get back to normal as soon as possible. Only 3 shipments in a year makes it hard to keep customers happy. I know the whole country, even the world has been struggling to recuperate. Big thanks to my awesome local delivery driver. I’ve got purple hull peas and sweet corn in the freezer from November harvest I need to sell. Peas are usually $6 a pound, buy 10 pounds for $45. Transfer from my freezer to yours for a great price! Cut off sweet corn is usually $5 a pound. Buy 10 pounds for $35. Frozen ears of corn usually $10, get em 3 bags for $20Come see me today or tomorrow 10-3 for sale prices. Don’t forget to ask about eggs, beef, flour, garden seeds, hay, straw, animal feed, raw milk, and much more….