Some baby greens, sweet peas, peppers, eggplant and tomatoes. Planted another crop of sweet corn today, too. Woohoo it’s a garden bonanza at Oasis Homestead!
Roma tomato plants going in the ground today. A healthy helping of horse poo will feed them well. Feeding my plants well with all natural elements, the way nature intended, is the best way to feed myself.
Beefsteak variety going in next!
Now can anyone guess how I grow tomatoes, every year in every state I’ve lived in (MI, FL, KY, AR, MS) without EVER watering them once planted out in the garden? Yes you heard me right. I HAVE NEVER EVER WATERED MY GARDEN TOMATOES IN 20+ years of growing them, yet they always produce. They never die from not getting enough water. So how can I do this? I look forward to seeing your input
Would you believe this gorgeous plant is just the lowly turnip going to seed? Isn’t it amazing how beautiful vegetables can be?! I have a whole row of these lovelies that will give me fresh new turnip seeds for Fall harvest.
How they look when all budded out but before the blossoms openThis delicate white and pink flower is a radish going to seed
What do I spend my birthday 🎂 doing? Why planting garden beds of course! Lol
Another garden bed tilled and planted today! This bed has yellow onions and carrots in it. Planted together, carrots and onions make superb garden companions. They repel each other’s insect pests. This heirloom variety of carrot comes from Russia and is similar to the Danvers half long in appearance. It is dark orange to almost reddish in color. High in beta carotene and with natural resistance to insects.
400’ of onion and 100’ of carrots. Added to the previous bed gives me a total of: 700’ of onions and 200’ of carrots planted so far.
I still have red onions to plant plus more whites and yellows after this planting is finished. When I’m done I should have close to 1500 linear feet of onions in the ground. Hope y’all like spring onions!
My winter wheat is looking lovely. It’s starting to jump up and green up now. Remember this is PRAIRIE GOLD, NON-GMO, ORGANIC WHEAT! It does not have adulterated gluten like most modern commercially grown wheat has been.
If you or a loved one have gluten problems, you may want to try this wheat flour. Many of my customers report they don’t have side effects after using this flour. *Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Please consult your physician for medical advice.
Get outside y’all and enjoy this lovely spring weather!
Ladies and gentlemen, the planting season has officially begun at my place.
Today I got 300 feet of onions in, and 200 feet of turnips.
Will be separating garlic cloves for planting during the rain that’s coming. As soon as it dries up again, I’ll be planting garlic, cabbages, broccoli, and othe rbrassicas, greens lettuce, carrots, beets and a bunch more…oh my! Here we go folks!
If you aren’t excited yet, don’t worry; I’m excited enough for the both of us lol!
My field of Prairie Gold wheat has been planted folks! I’m super excited about this harvest come June of 2018!
It means I’ll be baking with one of the few heirloom varieties of wheat strains that was never engineered to have excessive gluten. If you have anyone in your family that suffers from gluten intolerance- you understand how awful it can be.
Woohoo!! I can’t wait to start baking with my own home grown, hand harvested, hand winnowed, hand crank ground PRAIRIE GOLD heirloom wheat flour!!
Happy to report that my late August planting of green beans are ready to pick! I was told I couldn’t get a harvest off them when planted so late. So much for that! Lol
I just put up 40 pounds of purple hull peas for my freezer! I’ll be drying the rest for the winter supply.
I have young tomato plants started in August blooming now.
Cabbages are up about 4”. Yellow squash up 3”. Turnips up about 6”. Bunch of seedlings coming up! Woohooo more beds getting worked up and seeds going in every week.
Don’t forget I have eggs every week.
I’m getting a calf pen and shelter ready this week to bring in beef and dairy calves this month.
This is what I did today… Measured and staked out 500 square feet of new planting space. Hand dug every square inch, weeded and removed all buried bad bugs. Safe guarded every earth worm I could and broke up all the clods. Raked over the bed and drew planting furrows with my hoe. Planted 300 MORE FEET of beets (makes 600′ total now) and 100′ of cabbage transplants. I’m tired Had to really push myself that last 15′. Was not wanting to finish it but yet I wanted to finish it. Know what I mean?
Update on green beans: That last ditch planting of green beans I did are blooming now. Might get a harvest before frost after all