Aluminum Brain Detox Over

Alright y’all the 5 day aluminum brain detox is now over! Hope everybody followed through with theirs. Please take a moment to post a paragraph or 2 of how this detox effected you and how you feel before midnight this Sunday so I can close out this event.

Those that posted their daily updates will be awarded their points and noted on my client records.

I’ll Bring The Peas, You Bring Yourself, Please!

I’ll be at the market today. Bringing purple hull peas and chocolate chip cookies made fresh this morning! Yay! I’m baqck to baking again folks! Yum yum! I’ll post an update when I get there. See you soon!

Later: I’m here! Come get some peas and cookies!

Goat Introductions

Thought y’all might enjoy a pic of my lovely little dairy goats and their Billy.

I have 1 lamancha, 1 saanen, 1 Nubian and 1 lamancha/alpine cross nannies. My billy is a 75% saanen 25% boer cross and a big baby!

I’m spending more and more 1:1 time with them to get them more and more used to being handled before milking time comes next year. Keep your fingers crossed for lots of healthy kids to be born early next spring!

Aluminum Brain Detox

Ok folks, who wants to do an aluminum brain detox with me? Join me! It’s easy and healthy.

If you’ve ever worn deodorant, drank out of plastics, ate commercially made breads, or had a vaccination- you have aluminum in your brain. If you aren’t familiar with the problems it can cause- look it up!

We need silica water to detox it out of our brains. Everybody buy 5 large bottles of FIJI brand bottled water, per person to detox by Sunday. Sunday at lunch time, we all drink down 1 full bottle within an hour. We repeat this each day at lunch time for the next 4 days. On Thursday let’s all check back in and discuss what we think!

If you’re on board with this detox and want to participate: comment to this post. If you’d rather do it some other time on your own, go for it and have fun getting healthier!
<T pulls all her pals into a football huddle>
Let’s get ready to detox!! WOOP WOOP

Homestead Update

I’ve been working hard moving out to the homestead. It’s quite an undertaking but I’m picking away at the work load, bit by bit. This explains my market absences of late. Please bear with me folks, while I adjust through these changes.

In between all the chaos I’ve managed to get these things planted for future harvests:

A last ditch effort for a late season harvest of green beans. Don’t hold your breath on these just in case the frost gets em’!

Turnip greens


Turnip roots

Coming up to plant soon:
Late season cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, rutabaga, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, garlic, kohlrabi, coffee chicory, collards, sweet peas, cool season culinary herbs and medicinal herbs! Plus several more coming soon, so stay tuned folks!!!

More updates will be posted as I go along.

Morning Mad Dash

I made a mad dash this morning, starting at 5am via head lamp, to pick produce before the rain came. I’ll be at the market today… just waiting for a break from the rain so I can load the car. I’ll update y’all when I get set up. See you up there!

…. ok I’m here and set up. Will anybody brace the storm besides me?

Purple hull peas- shelled
$5 bag or $10 for 3 bags

Bells 3/$1
Wax 4/$1
Jalepenos 5/$1

Canning tomatoes
Green or red 4/$1

Snap beans- already sorted and snapped
$3 a bag or $5 for 2 bags

Baby sweet Watermelons
.50 and up!
Individual take to work for your lunch size and on up to 3 or 4 person size.

Busy Day At The Farmer’s Market!

I’m at the market. Been here for a couple hours but it’s been hopping busy so I just now got a chance to update y’all here.

Purple hull peas selling out quick.
1 bag for $5 or 3 bags for $10.

Only 1 doz peanut butter cookies left $3

Ugly but tasty green beans- lol taste them and you’ll see. $3 for a heaping basket.

Super crunchy, red taters -basket for $3

Super sweet baby watermelons!! Oh my goodness I dropped one and it cracked so I have to eat it. I’m going to get a sugar buzz for real!! .50 cents and up depending on size!

Taking orders on free range, pastured NON GMO eggs. Please remember I’m not permitted to sell them at the market but I can arrange a pick up with you. $3 a dozen

Farmer’s Market Day!

I’m picking produce to bring to the market today…. I’ll update what I have once I get there.

Ok I’m here (12:30)
I have shelled purple hull peas. 3 pounds for $10
Red potatoes .50 pound
Jalapeño peppers 5/$1
Wax peppers 4/$1
Bell peppers 3/$1
Green beans $2 pound
Baby watermelons $1 for the single serve
$2 and up for the larger ones.
Green and red tomatoes 3/$1 *tiny ones are freebies w/purchase
Oatmeal raisin cookies $3 doz
Peanut butter cookies $3 doz

At The Homestead

Did anyone miss me at the market today? I had to get some projects done at the homestead. I missed you guys, hope to see y’all next market day ?

Just to fill that void y’all feel from not chatting with me, I took a couple fantastic pictures of an amazing plant I’m growing on the homestead. This ought to keep Oasis Homestead active in your ❤️

Check this out…. If you think you know what it is, come see me next market day and tell me your guess!! No fair using Google to look it up. Lol